The B-Dry System was proven to be so unique and so effective, it was awarded a 1986 Government Patent.  

How to Deal with Humidity in the Summer

We are a couple of weeks away from the scorching sunny days of the summer. Clearly, no one likes to feel sweaty because it is extremely uncomfortable. Plus, high humidity levels can complicate respiratory diseases or trigger allergic reactions. Therefore, let’s take a look at why and how to deal with humidity in your house this summer?

Why is it Important to Deal with Humidity

Humidity is the moisture content in the air. Excessively damp air in your house can also lead to molds, fungi, and other bacterial growths. Here are some other health risks of low and high humidity, according to research.

High Humidity

  • Hyperthermia
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Heat Stroke
  • Dehydration
  • Fainting

Low Humidity

  • Itchy or Flaky Skin
  • Eye Problems (Dry Eyes)
  • Eczema
  • Nose Irritation
  • Flu or Cold Symptoms

How to Deal with Humidity this Summer?

On average, Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors. So, it’s important to deal with humidity to ensure optimal indoor air quality and reduce the risk of bacterial growth.

Windows and Doors

Avoid congesting your house space, and keep the windows open for some time. Also, you might want to leave your door open for a few minutes to let all the soggy, damp, and warm air out of your house.

Indoor Plants

Furthermore, move the indoor plants, as the moisture content is the by-product of their respiratory functions. So, outdoors might be the ideal placement for them during summer.


Ventilation (air ducts and vents) ensures a steady airflow in and out of the house. They allow warm air to move out of the house while letting in cooler air. This way, you do not have to deal with densely damp air indoors.


Dehumidifiers are best for controlling humidity in houses. Place them in bedrooms, laundry rooms, crawlspaces, etc., and they take away the moisture content from the passing air (not entirely) to let cool and comfy air inside your house.

Exhaust Fans

Fans are a great help in producing cool air, and they are generally for a cooling down purpose. On the contrary, exhaust fans improve air circulation inside the house to deal with humidity.

Avoid Steam Baths

Using hot showers means letting in steamy air inside your house. This allows excessive humidity in the natural indoor air.


A hygrometer can help keep a check on the humidity level inside your house. However, in case you need professional support, contact our team at B-Dry Boston. Call us at 978-262-1405 to schedule a meeting today and learn about the different ways to control the humidity level in your house.

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